Wednesday, May 6, 2009

1 month old!!!

Ava is one month old today! She is such a joy. She is not sleeping at night for us and has recently been pretty clingy....BUT she is still a wonderful baby! Today we went to my school so I could take a picture with my class. We kept her tucked away in the office except for the actual picture so my class could see her. They were so excited!

Malia loves to hold Ava...she asks to hold her all the time. She doesn't even mind that Ava is clearly unhappy.Here Ava is doing her boob face. It means that she wants to eat. Per usual...I weighed her and she now weighs 10 pounds. She has a healthy appetite!Here is Ava in the baby bjorn NOT taking a pacifier. She has no interest in one. All she wants is to eat...and eat...and eat. This is my grandpa! My cousin, Staci, was wonderful and brought him for a visit all the way from Glenoma. I love him so much and don't get to see him nearly enough. Ava was trying to memorize his face!

I love my baby girl SO much!!!

Here she is...the Queen of Daddy's heart!

1 month old...let the chair pictures begin!

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