Monday, March 9, 2009

Ava's big day is arriving quickly!!! We now know that she is coming on Monday, April 6th. We even know that the procedure is supposed to begin at 12:30p.m. It seems so crazy to me to have it planned in advance like that but I am just choosing to see it as one of the few perks of a Csection. My last day of work is March 27th and I have to be honest...I am pooped!!! I like to think that I am a trooper but it is really difficult. Malia was due in Aug. so I was done working at 29 weeks. Also, I could nap whenever I wanted!! During the weekends, we are spending as much time together as a family of three before we become a fabulous four. Malia is very excited for Ava to come and we know she is going to be the best big sister!!! Malia loves to go SO high on the swings...she has the best time every time we go to the park!!!!!
I cannot believe how big she is getting! I cannot wait for her to meet Ava and to hear her reaction. I packed my bag for the hospital and included a gift from Ava to Malia. I think that will smooth over some of the anxiety with the new baby:-) Much love to all...less than a month until Ava Renee' joins the fam!!!

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