Monday, December 8, 2008

Getting Ready for Christmas!

It was so fun getting ready for Christmas this year. We have a fake tree (at least until the kids are a bit older) and I never really thought about it until Malia said, "Daddy's building our tree!" Then I did feel kind of bad:-) Malia was pretty good about taking our holiday pic...Aaron wouldn't get his head in half the pics. Ahhhhhh....the joys of Christmas. We are looking forward to Christmas break to get ready for the baby and enjoy. My nesting has TOTALLY taken over. I went from relaxed and laid back TO...we need a nursery NOW! Thank God for my mom. Life is great.
Malia loved helping with the ornaments. There is no rhyme or reason to where the ornaments are on our tree....and that is how we like it. I guess the only reasoning is that the less breakable ones are the bottom. :-)

I love this picture. Malia is so excited to be a big sister. She goes back and forth between wanting a brother and a sister. We can't prepare her either way...because we are just not sure!

We found out we were pregnant with Malia on Christmas morning. This holiday is extra dear to us because of that. She is the best present we have ever received.

We owe my mom big for taking our pictures. I am so picky about them (I am a picture freak if you didn't notice) and I always want a ton. She is such a great is Malia and Aaron!


Anonymous said...

Meg, I agree about the photos. I have soo many of the kids and monty. It is mostly due to the fact that I want them to have tons and tons of pictures of their childhood to look back on (and for me to use as blackmail while in their teenage years. lol)

Nichelle said...

Hey there Megan & Aaron! You all have a beautiful family! And your daughter is adorable! I can't believe how much time flys by....I remember when Aaron was a baby and me & Michael use to get in front of him in his playpin while he was trying to watch TV and how he would move to look around us because he we so into it (like every child)!! Now he's all grown up with a family of his own!! Enjoy your family because the children grow up so'll blink and they will be in college! I still can't believe that I have three children and Quintin Jr. will soon be 9 yrs. old! You all take care and have a Merry Christmas! Look for our Christmas card (soon):~) And look for our family blog coming soon at

Take care & Blessings to you and congrats on Baby Q! (If it's a boy you can go ahead and call him Quintin!;~) Hee! Hee!

Nichelle said...

Opps! Our blog page is

Our Family!

Our Family!