Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Miss Independence!

Malia is growing every day! She is very independent and loves to push herself! We recently went to a birthday party at Pump It Up in Tacoma and she LOVED it. She didn't want anyone to help her.
She totally looks like she is biting it her but she loved rolling down the slide...we couldn't get her to stop! She wouldn't slow down long enough for me to get a picture of her. She had a blast!
Malia is actually at the top of the slide getting ready to go down! Malia recently had her two year check up and is doing SO well! She is the 68 percentile for weight, 91 percentile for height, and 99 percentile for her head size. We are glad that she is so healthy. Her doctor was astounded by her vocab and that she can count to 12.I swear we don't make her sit down for lessons! We encourage her curiousity (and she is naturally curious about everything) but don't sweat the small stuff. She is just naturally bright and yes...we are totally gaga for Malia. Sorry for the bragging but...what's a mom to do??? If you think I'm bad, you should hear her grandmas.

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