Friday, May 9, 2008

Best Week EVER...

This week was teacher appreciation week and I felt appreciated! I have the best students ever. Of course I can't put their pictures up...but I did take pictures of all the wonderful things they brought in. Each day had a different theme...and each day I felt even more blessed! I LOVE my job!
This day the students all brought in flowers to create a unique thoughtful!
This was chocolate day...yummy! They also bought a book and dedicated it to me....they are so sweet!
This is what it said in the book.
This is one of my favorite is so creative. I don't drink coffee...only Diet Coke. So the students had a Diet Coke day. Yep...those are all Diet Coke's wrapped so beautifully!
This is the book that they made for me. It has all the students' pictures with what they love best about me in it...this one had me in tears.
This is such a great is my two favorites. I love my bath and I love my golf! Notice that they tried to find everything in orange. What great kids!!!! Did I mention that I LOVE my job??

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