Monday, March 10, 2008

Wilson Show Choir Auction

This weekend, we went to the annual Wilson Show Choir Auction. Many (many) years ago, I was in show choir...and even more years before mother was! Anyway, so as a family we like to go and support the choir. For a few years, Marcus Trufant would even come to support it any wonder that he is my favorite football player? He didn't even do choir at Wilson!!! This year we were all astounded when a simple cheesecake (value of $38) went for a whopping $2,500! The last two years the auction has been held at St. Pats (so they can serve alcohol) and we like to imbibe in a few drinks:-) We did get silly and I even ended up singing before the night was over. My brother did an amazing Adam Sandler (Piece of Sh#^* Car). What a great night.

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