Our girls are growing! It seems like just yesterday, I was taking Malia's 7 month pic in her chair...now I am taking Ava's and Malia wants to take one with her camera as well! We feel so lucky to be experiencing this time in our life.
What a happy girl!
This is her..."I didn't do it face!"
This is more likely...this is her "yeah I did it and you love me anyway" face.
Her is info on Ava's development:
By now, you may have already told your baby that the telephone isn't a toy, or that rattles aren't for throwing, or that her sister's hair isn't for pulling.
(Uh...this is SO Ava...always pulling Malia's hair!) At this age, your baby may begin testing your authority by refusing to follow your simple directions. She's not really being disobedient or willful — just curious.
(I don't know...she really enjoys being curious then...she even laughs out loud about it!)Keep in mind that she simply can't remember things you tell her for more than a couple of seconds at a time. The
best tactic is to use a simple "no" and then distract her.
Here is some info about Malia's development:
Your child's growing world now includes everything from time in the dentist's chair to playdates with friends — and maybe even preschool. A better grasp of manners comes in handy now, as does a patient parent to teach fun new skills and help with potty-training backslides.
(Uh...I don't know about the patient parent part. Potty training has been actually very easy...once she made up her mind, she mastered it pretty easily. She still wears a pull up at bedtime though. Manners however is another story...she spends a lot of time on the fussin stool with her tot clock set to red for two minutes....but she is VERY well behaved for others. I guess that is the way you want it:-)Three-year-olds are beginning to learn colors. They can usually point to a color when asked and may be able to name four or more by midyear.
(Malia can name so many colors that my head spins...she also mentions things like "that's green...grandpa and Kenzie's favorite color!) Your ever-more-independent child is probably starting to develop some friendships. But don't be surprised if, when you ask who her friends are, she recites her entire preschool class list. She doesn't fully understand the meaning of friendship yet. She may have favorites, but to her a "friend" is pretty much anybody she spends time with.
(She does recite her class for sure...but she recently started the "best" friend thing. She said Brooklyn was her best friend. But Brooklyn moved away. I was worried she would be so sad. When I picked her up from school I asked her if she was okay. She said Madison was her best friend. When I asked about Brooklyn, she said...oh...she moved, and on she went about her day. I guess friendships really are fleeting at this age!)